Tuesday, June 30, 2009

reunion dinner...


BATCH 1993-1998

oN 28 juNe 2009, ex-student SRK Gersik molah reunion dekat victoria forest.. area sebelah sMk Tun abang haJi oPeng.. high skull ku lamak.. mun ekot kan plan, mek owang xmolah kat victoria forest.. becoz 2 gek kede yg mek owang dh plan mowk polah reunion xpat, mek owang trus pg kat area sekolah openG..

majlis bermula kol 730 sepatutnya.. tp ketua kami, miz La"teepah", xpat dtg awal coz jem terok coz hot fm kat sukma ria ariya.. tapi alhamdulillah suma berjalan lancar walaupun byk owang yang xsudi pergi ke reunion yang d adakan oleh mek owang..

gambar towk, student ompuan n cekgu ompuan jak.. dr kiri la"teepah", cekgu fauziah, asraniza, mas adilasari, farina, cekgu rashibah, stella dina n masrina.. yang dudowk ya, aku lah.. suma dh besa2 jak.. ada yang bekerja, ada yang seh blaja.. suma ya xmenghalang kita dr bejumpa sama dikpun.. ada yg dh kawen n mowk dtg.. tp xda owang jaga anak ny.. p semangat yang d perlukan..

towk lah muka2 student yang sudi datang ke majlis reunion ya.. owang laki 5 owang jak.. p yg paling respect la, mohd faitullah a.k.a keong coz ny sanggup datang dr mukah ke kch coz semata2 nk reunion towk.. ko ngn besh keong.. mun ada award, memang mek owang bg ngn ko..

dh bis mek owang mamam, mek owang koke lah.. besh aie.. suma sporting.. aku yang pemalu towk pun jd xtaowk malu.. hehehe tyme towk, teepah berduet ngn cekgu shahran.. xigt ku lagu pa.. p yang ku taowk lagu danggut.. p yala, teepah ya xmowk nk gelek.. hehehe

towk, cdak bgambar tyme makan.. hehehe aku ka? xda.. aku gik koke.. hehehe lamak bh xkoke..yala aku xda ctowk..

towk cdak geng laki bmba ngn cekgu.. suma owang diat ke tempat yang betol, tapi harun diat pa a? hehehe boh marah ron, guwo jak bh.. hehehe

after makan, after karaoke, mek owang betuka2 hadiah sama dikpun.. cekgu dh d bg mek owang hadiah.. p seem xda owang jak amik gambar cdak.. 1st, ina cabut nama, dapat nama aku.. so ina bg ngn aku.. aku towk pemalu ckit.. (hahaha muka diat) datz y aku tundok terimak hadiah dari ina.. hahaha muka mas n stella ngn mesti ada lah dlm setiap pix.. hehehe

towk, idar aku gik cabut nama n aku dapat nama masrina.. so hadiah aku, aku bg kat masrina lah.. lawak jak upa aku ciya.. hehehe ada gik muka mas adila n stella kat blakang ya.. ya ngn xmiss nk bgambar lah.. hehehe

after ya, masrina dapat nama stella rasa aku.. cdak len xda bg aku pix masrina wak.. so, xda lah pix masrina tyme ny bg hadiah kat stella..

towk after masrina bg hadiah ngn stella..n stella dapat nama mas adila.. so stella pun bg hadiah ny dengan mas adila.. diat blakang nun dolowk, sempat wak ina masok lam pix towk.. hehehe pa ndak ka nk d pdh ina ya.. hehehe

towk turn mas adila bg hadiah.. ny dapat nama ina, so ny bg hadiah ngn ina.. cm ina madah ariya "mas, mek taowk pa yg tak bg ngn mek" hehehe aku rasa lah, towk mest kes ny 2 g meli hadiah sama2.. ya masing2 taowk pa hadiah ya.. hehehe

oleh kerana ina dh bg hadiah ngn aku, n tinggal teepah n azlan jak yg lom betuka hadiah.. so ny 2 betuka hadiah sama dirik.. ya bowk pasangan.. hehehe :p guro jak bh teepah n lan.. bak kata teepah "aku espek, ompuan terima hadiah aku, tp xpala.." coba tak owang diat, kotak hadiah ny 2 azlan jaowh beza.. tapi, bukan besa hadiah yang mek owang ukurkan.. mek owang lebih suka keikhlasan sama dikpun..

gamba towk aku xtaowk bila n sapa amik.. candid.. hehehe aku nk merik blakang ya.. hahaha c harun nun gago mowk men pool.. hehehe p serius li, sengkol da jak men pool table ngak besa ya.. hehehe

apa2 pun, mek owang happy dapat temu ngn cekgu2 skolah rendah mek owang n rakan2 sabaya yang sama dengan mek owang mengharungi zaman skolah rendah.. happy bila temu cdak balit.. macam2 karenah jak mek owang dr dolowk pe nektok.. size badan suma dh btuka, kecuali aku, seh wak kecik.. huhu n bak kata cdak "tetak ny towk xpande betuka2 dr dolowk pe nektowk"... sapa d maksudkan cdak? aku lah.. hehehe

yajak lah kali towk..


Sunday, June 28, 2009

aher nya....


aher nya....
budak hingusan, budak mentah, budak sekolah, budak gemok, dan yang sewaktu dengan nya sudah sedar.. sudah tahu mana realiti.. sudah berpijak pada bumi yang nyata... sudah sedar dari tido nya yang xindah..

aher nya...
mengaku juga dia sapa dirinya sebenar.. sedar atas semua nya..

gila2... eran wak aku.. ada wak owang camtowk duhal.. gago jak ny tentang aku.. apa d polah aku, apa d post aku.. tapi kan, mun owang dh kaco life aku, aku akan kaco wak life nya... owang jaik ngn aku, aku lebih gik jaik ngan nya.. walaupun aku xkenal ny, n ny xkenal ngan aku.. p mun owang ya dah gago ngn hal aku, aku pun gago wak hal ny.. p mun ny bencik aku, aku xkesah.. thankz, coz u r my no 1 fan!!!! xlelah aku mukak fan club.. ko dh jd fan aku.. hahaha

aku matang kah, xkah, bukan hal ko pun.. aku pun xda la mdh aku towk matang.. xda sa ku yang aku post mdh aku matang.. eran wak aku koh... kali ko salah baca or xpande baca kali nk? eran aku...

ko nk berundor? dh selesai ka? mana kata ko lah ciya.. p pejuangan aku blom gik tamat.. gik jaoh gik aku nk pergi.. byk gik aku nk lalui... mana kata ko lah ciya..

dah2, aku nk ready nk reunion dinner gik kaktowk.. jumpa cekgu lamak ku.. eyh2, lupa aku, ko gik skolah bh.. ne nak reunion lowk nk? hehehe tunggu lah ko abis skolah bowk ko molah reunion.. :P


ya jak koh...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

bodoh betol lah perempuan itu....


budak hingusan tetap menjadi budak hingusan.. walaupun kau lap kan hingus kamu, kamu maseh lagi berhingus.. sebab engkau budak hingusan.. tetap saja hingus engkau mengalir sebab engkau tetap BUDAK HINGUSAN....

budak sekolah tetap menjadi budak sekolah.. hey budak sekolah.. hidungmu saja rupa nya kembang JAMBU... cantik kah itu? ow tidak.. kamu lebih sedut banyak KOTORAN melalui hidung mu yang KEMBANG JAMBU ITU.. patut juga banyak KOTORAN D HATI mu..

budak gemok tetap menjadi budak gemok.. hey budak gemok, sedar2 lah diri mu GEMOK.. jangan suka hati nak kutok orang.. sedar lah ckit ye??

budak bodoh tetap menjadi budak bodoh.. hey budak bodoh.. engkau sedar xkau hidup dalam dunia yang benar?? mana mungkin kau akan ada kuasa???? bodoh sungguh dirimu itu..

memang aku xkenal sama diri kamu...
memang kau xkenal siapa diri aku...

kalau nak menggatal pun, biarlah cari orang yang sesuai dengan diri kamu..
xperlu lah nak MENGGATAL DENGAN BOYFWEN orang...
buduh lah engkau...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my faveret movee...


entah mngapa, facebook xdapat d buka d opis.. buduh la.. buduh macam budak kecik yang maseh sekolah tapi sudah gatal (or kenja lam bahasa swk) kacau boifwen owang len.. hahaha so, untuk mengisi masa keBORINGan aku, aku nk share sumthing kat korang suma.. sharing is caring.. caring doesnt mean that i care about u bitches... hahaha

ok, bebalik pada cerita kita, aku mau share cerita2 yang aku suka tengok walaupun dh beribu2 kali tengok.. hahaha... contoh nya seperti cerita d bawah..

(synopsis aku copy dari ctowk... aku malas.. hahaha)

The movie opens with a TV show featuring Chef Auguste Gusteau (Brad Garrett), owner of the best restaurant in Paris, talking about his bestselling cookbook, which proudly bears his mantra "Anyone Can Cook!"

A rat named Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) begins talking about his life in monologue fashion. Remy states that he has enhanced senses of both taste and smell, which makes him very particular about what he eats. Remy's brother Emile (Peter Sohn) is impressed by this talent, but their father Django (Brian Dennehy) who leads the rats' colony, could care less- until Remy reveals that he can recognize the scent of rat poison in or near food. Django puts Remy to work sniffing & testing food for the rest of the clan. Remy is not happy about the rats having to steal food from the garbage; he would prefer to go to the kitchen and take the "fresh" samples. But Django hates & fears humans so he forbids Remy (and all other members of the clan) to interact with them.

Despite his fathers' orders, Remy spends several nights in the human home, reading Chef Gusteau's cookbook and watching television programs about cooking. Before long he has a near-expert level of knowledge about food preparation. One day, Remy takes Emile into the kitchen to get some spices that will go with some other food samples they have gathered. Emile hesitates, but agrees to go with his brother. While inside, Remy sees on TV that a famous food critic named Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole), gave Gusteau's restaurant a less-than-stellar review that resulted in the restaurant losing one of its five stars. A heartbroken Gusteau died soon after, which meant the loss of another star according to tradition.

While watching news of Gusteaus's death, Remy accidentally wakes the elderly woman who lives in the home which the rats have colonized. Django orders everyone to get away as fast as possible but Remy stays behind to grab Gusteau's book. The rats manage to escape on miniature rafts into a river. Remy uses the cookbook as a flotation device but is separated from the group by a rapid current in the sewers.

Hours later, Remy sits reading the cookbook waiting for a sign of his friends & family. Through a fusion of grief, loneliness and hunger, Remy begins to hallucinate that the illustration of Chef Gusteau is talking to him Gusteau encourages Remy to go up through the sewers and find out where he is now. Remy travels along several pipes and finds that he is in Paris- just in front of Gusteau's restaurant!

Inside Gusteau's, the new head chef Skinner (Ian Holm) meets Alfredo Linguini (Lou Romano), the son of Chef Gusteau's recently-deceased old friend. Linguini gives Skinner a letter written by his mother in the hope of getting a job at the restaurant. Skinner makes Linguini a garbage-boy and tells him to start work immediately.

As Remy watches the action in the kitchen, he spots Linguini accidentally knocking over a pot of soup and trying to cover up his error by adding random ingredients. Knowing that the combination Linguini has forged will be terrible, Remy jumps down and adds his own ingredients to the mixture. Linguini spots Remy but the rat runs away before anyone else notices. Skinner spots Linguini messing with the soup and is furious, but he cannot stop the wait staff from serving the soup. A bowl is served to a food critic, who likes the concoction. Skinner still wants to fire Linguini, but another chef- Colette (Janeane Garofolo) sticks up for Linguini. Skinner relents and allows Linguini to stay.

Remy makes another attempt to escape, but this time Skinner spots him and Linguini manages to catch Remy in a jar. Skinner orders Linguini to take the rat away and kill it. Linguini takes Remy to a river but cannot bring himself to dispose of the rat. Linguini knows that the rat was the one who really made the soup and that Skinner will expect a duplication of the recipe. Linguini, seeing that Remy can apparently understand him, takes the rat home and essentially adopts him.

Next morning, Linguini sees that the rat (who he has nicknamed "Little Chef") has cooked breakfast for them both. When they arrive at the restaurant, Linguini tries to find a way to have Remy cook but without anyone else seeing. After a few tries, they find out that Remy can manipulate Linguini like a puppet by pulling on the boy's hair at strategic moments. Deciding that this is their best method, Linguini & Remy spend the next few days practicing cooking in their spare time. Before long they are able to make a perfect duplicate of the soup that captured the critics' attention. Skinner appoints Colette to teach Linguini about the finer points of haute cuisine. Colette does not relish the task at first; she's the only female chef, worked very hard to obtain her position and sees Linguini as a possible threat to her status.

Later that night Skinner meets with an agent. We learn that since Chef Gusteau's death, Skinner has been making a profit by selling out the Gusteau name and image to a line of cheap frozen food. Taking a moment to read the letter from Linguini's mother, Skinner panics and calls his lawyer. The lawyer (Teddy Newton) explains that Gusteau's will stipulates that if no heir can be found after two years (a deadline which expires in a month), Skinner will inherit the restaurant. Apparently the letter from Linguini's mother states that Linguini is Gusteau's son, and should be the rightful heir! Skinner refuses to believe it while the lawyer suggests doing a DNA test as well as a background check.

Colette begins training Linguini about the fine art of cooking, and a rapport develops between the two.

One night, a group of guests asks the head waiter Mustafa (John Ratzenberger) about what is "new." The staff panics, but Skinner decides to have Linguini prepare an old Gusteau-style recipe for sweetbreads. Skinner knows that Gusteau considered that recipe a "disaster" and hopes that it will be Linguini's downfall.

Colette begins to follow the recipe but Linguini (under Remy's manipulations) alters it severely, which angers her. But a few minutes later, Mustafa bursts in and declares that the customers love the new concoction and there are several more orders for it! The other chefs' toast Linguini's success later that evening. Skinner brings Linguini into his office and pulls out a bottle of rare Chateau Latour in an attempt to get Linguini to talk about his "secrets" but gets nowhere.

Meanwhile Remy, resting outside, spots a mysterious figure in the garbage pails. He is stunned to find that it is his brother Emile! Overjoyed, Remy runs inside to steal some ingredients to fix food for his brother. Afterwards, Emile brings Remy to the new colony. Django is overjoyed to find his second son alive. Remy wants to leave the colony (and return to Linguini) but Django is opposed to the idea. Django brings Remy to a storefront that specializes in rat-killing, stating his belief that humans & rats must always be enemies. Remy, however, feels differently. He leaves the colony and goes back to Linguini.

Next morning, Remy finds Linguini still at the restaurant and exhausted. Colette comes in, still angry at Linguini. In an attempt to apologize, Linguini tries to confess his secret to Colette. Remy, desperate to remain hidden, forces Linguini forward so that he ends up kissing Colette. After a few seconds of hesitation, she reciprocates and a genuine attraction between the two begins.

Food critic Anton Ego is in his study when he hears news of Gusteau's renewed popularity. Stunned, he vows to return there and find out what is truly going on.

Skinner's lawyer returns to confirm Skinner's worst fears- Linguini is indeed Gusteau's son. Skinner decides not to tell Linguini and let the will's deadline (a mere 3 days away) pass- after which he can fire Linguini and suffer no ill effects.

Later that night, Remy finds Emile with a few other rats outside the restaurant. When Remy goes inside to find the key to the food locker, he reads the documents and finds out about Linguini's parentage. Remy tries to take the documents, but Skinner spots him escaping again. Despite a thorough chase, Remy gets away and Linguini learns the truth. Skinner is fired, Linguini takes charge of the restaurant and the Gusteau frozen-food line is halted.

At a press conference a few days later, Anton Ego introduces himself to Linguini and promises to come by the restaurant the next night to review Gusteau's once more.

Linguini, growing arrogant, decides to try and work without Remy's help. In anger, Remy arranges for the rest of his rat-clan to raid the restaurant that night. Linguini finds out and throws all the rats out, including Remy.

That evening, Remy & Emile are sniffing for food outside the restaurant when Remy runs into a trap. It turns out that the trap was set by Skinner. Skinner wants Remy to work for him creating new frozen foods.

Ego arrives at the restaurant, and instead of ordering off the menu he challenges the chef to "hit [him] with your best shot." Skinner, eager to see the downfall of Linguini, asks to have the same dish that Ego is served.

Remy, still caged, is freed by his father and brother. Thankful, he returns to the restaurant to help Linguini. One of the chefs spots Remy returning and tries to kill the rat. But Linguini steps in and protects Remy, confessing the truth to everyone. The chefs, stunned, walk out- even Colette. Linguini thinks there is no hope for Gusteau's.

Django comes in and admits that he was wrong; seeing Linguini stand up for Remy has changed his attitude about humans. Django recruits the entire rat colony to help out- they will follow Remy's orders to prepare the food.

Just then, a Health Inspector arrives and sees the kitchen full of rats. One group of rats swarms the inspector, tying him up and locking him in the freezer.

Before long, the rats have formed an intricate system and are preparing all the meals for the restaurant. Linguini, knowing that someone will have to wait tables, puts on a pair of roller skates and begins serving the customers.

Colette, having had a change of heart, returns to the restaurant to help Remy & Linguini. She asks what Remy wants to prepare for Ego. Remy selects ratatouille, an older-style recipe not traditionally up to the standards of Gusteaus (Colette calls it a "peasant dish.") Soon enough, the entree is prepared and served to Anton Ego.

Ego takes a bite of the ratatouille, and immediately has a flashback to his childhood where his mother prepared the same dish to brighten his spirits after a bicycle accident. He is overwhelmed with emotion for the dish. Skinner, furious, storms into the kitchen- and is tied up and thrown into the freezer alongside the health inspector.

Ego's heart is warmed by the fantastic meal, and insists on thanking the chef. Colette tells him that he must wait until all other customers have left. That evening, Ego learns the whole truth from Linguini, Colette and Remy. After leaving the restaurant, Ego writes a fantastic review for Gusteaus'- proclaiming the chef to be "the finest in Paris" while neglecting to reveal the chefs' true identity.

Unfortunately, the good fortune does not last. The health inspector and Skinner are freed; as a result Gusteau's restaurant is shut down. And, as an effect, Ego loses his job and a great deal of credibility for promoting a rat-infested restaurant.

Remy, telling this story to a few friends, states that Ego is now working as a small-business investor. It seems that Ego (along with Colette, Linguini and Remy) has opened a bistro named "La Ratatouille" where both humans and rats (in hidden, separate chambers) are both welcome.

Monday, June 15, 2009

berubah setelah mendapat kerja...


ctowk aku mowk ceta, ceta bena lah.. ceta yang berlaku ke atas owang yang aku kenali lah.. camtowk ceta ny...

jerry (bukan nama sebenar) 20, pekerjaan asal, hanya seorang pencuci (cleaner) dekat waterfront.. waktu ya, aku dan tipah (bukan nama sebenar) 2o, bekerja d stall waterfornt.. jual kek lapis, kueh2, n aek2..

tipah pol in leb ngn c jerry tewk.. walaupun c jerry tyme nya nge-GUN lumut2 d jeraya waterfront, tipah tewk xkesah.. chenta xkenal usia ngn pekerjaan.. c jerry dtg dr family yang susah.. c tipah pun xkesah.. salu lah c tipah g umah jerry ya.. alu lah bekenalan ngn family jerry.. parent c jerry pun bekenan ngn tipah..

after 2 taun begerek, c jerry ajak tipah nikah.. yalah, takut tipah tewk jatoh ke tangan owang len.. tapi bapak c tipah xswoh ny nikah.. yalah, umo tyme ya bowk 19.. biak gilak bh.. so, ny terpaksa akur dgn keputusan owang tua..

after ya, c jerry interview polis.. n ny so lucky.. ny dapat polis.. dapat jak ny polis ya, ny mdh ngn c tipah tewk, ny mowk bantu family ny dolowk.. after ya bowk ny pikey hal nikah.. hmm, eran kan? tyme keja cleaner waterfront dolowk, mowk nikah.. dh dapat keja bgs ckit, hal ya d tulak tepi.. entah lah ow?

tapi c tipah tewk xkesah... biar lah ny bantu family ny.. ya hak ny.. bila jerry training d kem kat bt 13 ciya, aku jd driver tipah.. tipah mintak tolong aku g ciya.. ny mowk nemu chenta haty ny.. otw g ciya, tipah pun teringat ngn parent jerry... "dh pg xcdak parent jerry ow?mun xda k cdak pg, amik ny sali leh?" kata tipah ngn aku.. tapi aty ku malas gilak nk g umah cdak.. aku pun xtaowk pahal.. so mek owang direct jak ke bt 13..

sampe jak kat ciya, mek owang kejut nangga parent jerry dh da kat ciya.. kakya, muka cdak parent ya tang xsuka jak bila tipah datang ngabas jerry.. bukan aku nak anok.. tapi dolowk, b4 jerry dapat keja polis towk, cne2 jak dak family jerry towk raon, mst ny tpon ngn tipah, ajak tipah g sama2.. raya aidilfitri sama.. raya aji pun sama.. sedangkan raya aji, tipah xngn family ny pun..ny gago ngn family jerry jak.. tapi, bila jerry dapat keja bgs tewk, tipah xd pandang ny lalu..

taowk la, jerry dh nk jd polis.. tipah towk apa lah ada.. keja pun, keja kat pasa jak.. jd salesgirl.. ne da keja GOV.. tapi, cdak xpikey ka? tyme jerry keja jd cleaner dolowk, sapa mutit jerry mun x tipah nk? pikey bh.. xkan anak dh dapat keja bgs, owang yang ny dolowk alu nk d sisehkan?? bukan nk membangkit, p ngn bena bh..

kakya, bgs2 tipah keja, ny swoh tipah benti.. dgn alasan, takut pah cari owang laki len @ ngaco owang laki len.. ny madah, lak ny bg duit ngn tipah.. so, tipah pun benti keja.. p bongok wak tipah ya.. mowk benti wak.. yala, mun jerry bg duit sama dgn gaji tipah keja, xwak pa.. towk RM150 jak.. bukan xbesyukor.. tapi keja pa, gaji ny lebih gik dr Rm400 bh..

sebulan kah 2 bln jak tipah xkeja..n mkn RM150 sebulan.. pasya, ny xtahan.. ny keja gik.. pah keja kat pasa gik jd salesgirl.. kat kede handphone.. pah mula keja kol 730 @ 8 pg.. aku pun xtaowk.. balit pun dh mlm.. kepak seari2 keja, c jerry tewk mintak tipah melayan sms ny sampe jerry tdo.. x gila pa jerry ya.. ny xtaowk kah tipah bowk blt keja.. mowk mkn, mdi, ilek? family tipah gik xcmya..

kakya, ny swoh tipah blaja ngemas umah.. after balit keja, terus ngagak keja umah.. tolong masak, apa2 yang harus d polah d umah ya.. n ny da mdh "blt keja, kemas umah, masak.. mun xpande nk nulong cmya, mun dh nikah kah, CERAI jak lah" hey jerry, FUCK OFF lah ko.. blom nikah gik ko nk cerai anak owang???? FUCK OFF lah...

baru2 aku dgr ceta, c jerry tewk kantoi.. ny msj ngn owang puan len, tp salah sent kat no tipah.. nama tuhan nk nunjok eyh.. pasya, ny molah alasan ny msj ngn ompuan len coz tipah xlayan sms ny sampe ny tido.. FUCK lah ko... nama owang laki eyh.. FUCK OFF lah..

kakya aku dengar, bapak jerry ya, madah ngn jerry.. "bgs jerry ngn anak kawan bapak.. ny keja bgs wak.. sak jerry bahagia.. " shiooooooooooooooooooooo........ nama owang miskin bowk nemu duit eyh.. cmya bny.. ny igt uit dpat membahagiakan ka? lamak2 towk, jerry xbahagia kah dgb tipah??? FUCK OFF lah.. bkn aku nk nganowk owang tua ya.. p ny dh buduh ilak eyh.. FUCK OFF...

n pagi td, aku dpt cerita dari sumber yang aku sangat percayai, ny 2 dh break dh.. ALHAMDULILLAH.... bgs wak cdak 2 break.. sial ilak laki ya.. bowk cerik keja bgs lah ya.. bowk cerik duit.. suma owang d lupak.. n cari kesalahan gwek dikpun...

dh.. yajak koh...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009



aku boring.. so aku jawab lah soalan2 pakey ku buang masa ku...


Single or Taken:
---- taken


---- 26 apriL

---- 5

Eye colour:
---- blacK

Shoe size:
---- 4

---- 153 cm.. i guess...

What are you wearing right now:
---- my uniform...

Where do you live:
---- my home

Righty or lefty:
---- righty

Any pets:
---- cat.. chimie



Who are your best friends:
---- yna, adek, erny n who else a??

Do you have a bf or gf?:
---- yes i do hav both... :)

Best place to go for a date:
---- i dont know..

Longest relationship:
---- 2 years

Shortest relationship:
---- 1 week.. hahaha high skull.. :)

Outgoing or introverted?:
---- outgoing



Favorite kind of pants:
---- shorts and jeans

Favorite Number:
---- 26

Boys Name:
---- i don't know.. boi mayb?

Girls Name:
---- nuruL.. hahaha

---- cat..

---- coLa

Fast-Food Place:
---- kFc and McD

---- apriL coz its my befdaY..

---- avril lavigne, tsunami bomb, eyeliners.. and many more..

---- mee jawa and roti canai... yum yum..

Favourite cartoon character:
---- sleeping beauty, spongebob, kim possible.. :)


*have u ever*

Given anyone a bath:
---- yes!! my little princess..

---- yup....

Bungee Jumped:
---- nope.. fobia..

Made yourself throw-up:
---- nope.. just throw up when i see ur face, bitches!!!

Put your tongue on a frozen pole:
---- nope.. i'm not that stupid..

Broken a bone:
---- yes!! tulang ikan n ayam.. hahaha

Been in a police car:
---- yes..

Come close to dying:
---- nope...

Been in a sauna:
---- always... my room is a sauna...

Fallen asleep in school:
---- always...

Ran away:
---- yes!!

Broken someone's heart:
---- owez...

Cried when someone died:
---- yup.. when my grandmother died..

Done something you regret?:
---- a lot...


*what is*

Best song you ever heard:
---- 1,2,3,4 - plain white T's , the fear n fuck u - lily allen..

What's your room like:
---- mess... juz what i like..

Last thing you said:
---- fuck!!

What is beside you:
---- my phone

What shampoo do you use:
---- sunsilk..

Something that has happened to you this year:
---- go to KL wif my fwen onLy..

Worst thing that has happened to you this year:
---- fight wif my sweetest drugs..


*have u had*

Chicken pox:
---- yup.. when i was a little girl..

Sore Throat:
---- yup.. a few days ago...

Broken nose:
---- nope...

Tonsels removed:
---- nope...

Ice cream in the morning:
---- yup...


*would you*

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000:
---- hell NO...

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with :
---- the one who can sent me back home..

Who is the last person that called you:
---- teepah... :)

Who was the last person you slow danced with:
---- no 1..

What makes you laugh the most:
---- my little princess...

What makes you smile:
---- my sweetest drugs..

yajak koh...


Tuesday, June 9, 2009



today i will answer some survey... hehehe

1. You ready for some questions that you barely find in other surveys?
- yup.. i'm ready now..
2. What comes to mind when I say 69?
- numbers...
3. Is there a person that you can go to in sweats, hair a mess, and still feel comfy?
- let me think for a while..
4. Do you like where you live?
- yup.. peace and quiet..
5. Have you ever thought about killing someone in detail?
- of coz!!!
6. Do you blow dry your hair?
- No...
7. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- dont remember...
8. Who knows your secrets?
- Me, myseLf and I...
9. Can you see a stuffed animal from where you're sitting?
- nope..
10. Do you straighten your hair?
- NO... my hair is original straighT....
11. Has a good friendship ended recently that you wish had not?
- nope...
12. Does anyone call you babe or baby?
- i cant remember.. hahaha
13. How old will you be in 4 years?
- 27.. hahaha should be married by then...
14. What were you doing 5 hours ago?
- at home.. juz come back from airport...
15. What's wrong with you right now?
- a little bit crazy..hahaha
16. Was today a good day?
- i hope so.. :)
17. Will tomorrow be?
- tomorrow always be there.. hahaha
18. Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
- dont have ceiling fan.. hahaha
19. Have you ever had a garage sale?
- nope.. never..
20. Are you happy right now?
- very happy at the moment...
21. Last person you texted?
- my sayang.. adek.. (bowh marah ni..) hehehe
22. Called?
- EN. Rosli Nordin.. my boss...
23. Do you like being home alone?
- nope..
24. Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
- BFF..
25. Does it bother you when people spell/type your name incorrectly?
- annoying... can't they spell my name correctly??
26. Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
- my mama..
27. Is there anyone you trust who you shouldn't?
- many...
28. Have you ever cried over a text?
- guess not...
29. Will you be in a relationship in the next month?
- still in relation ship with the same guy...
30. Do you have anything that belongs to a partner or an ex partner?
- i dont know.. hahaha
31. Think back 5 months ago, were you single?
- nope.. in relationship with my sweetest drug..
32. What's your newest text message says?
- "dh d satok.. angol ni.." - my sweetest drug"
33. Do you argue with people often?
- yup.. hahaha
34. Drifting away from anyone?
- no..
35. Have you hugged anyone in the past 72 hours?
- my little princess...
36. If the last person you kissed said that you were the only one they wanted, what would you say?
- ow..ok.. n smile.. :)
37. Have you ever had a school picture turn out absolutely dreadful?
- nope.. i guess.. hahaha
38. Who was the last person to get on your nerves? What was he/she doing?
- let me refresh my memory for a sec..
39. Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to respond?
- annoying...
40. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
- incorp construction's staff.. coz i'm working ryte now..
41. Have you ever fallen asleep texting someone?
- owez.. hahaha
42. Do you act differently around the person you like?
- no.. i am me.. act like usuall..
43. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
- yup....
44. When's the last time you ran?
- today.. early in d morning coz i'm late... hahaha
45. Who was you dating 4 months ago?
- my sweetest drugs lah..
46. Who's shoulder did you last cry on?
- no one..

finally.. hahaha :P

yajak koh...
