Tuesday, March 31, 2009
2 days wif Kak N..
ary jemat ya tewk.. kawan ku datang dari sibu.. nya g kuching atas hal keja.. hehehe nama nya kakN.. mek 2 kenal dari friendster, kakya lu kenal lam facebook gik, kenal mengenalkan diri masing2 kat dalam myspace.. eh? ada ka? hahaha tapi yang for sure, mek 2 kenal dari friendster, facebook kakya mek 2 kenal lebih2 gik kat ym.. hehehe
aku n ono mbak Kak N n Abg ejal raon2 lah.. n atas pemintaan kak N, ny mowk makan mee Kolok, so mek 2 bcari mee kolok.. mula2 tewk, g kat family cafe.. shitness.. xda indah mee kolok.. so mek owg tuka plan gik.. mowk cari mee kolok.. so mek owg g kat kedey kawan mek owang pun, kat hardy dahlia.. tempat yang selesa 4 mamam n lepak.. hehehe so kak N n abg ejal mam mee kolok.. xsangka wak, olah kak N gila wak, ranggat wak cm aku.. hahaha
after ya, mek owang g seberkas.. kak N nk meli bateri hp nya yang dh pragnent.. kembong jak upa bateri ya.. hehehe dh beli bateri ya, mek owang g meli eskrem lowk.. mek 2 ono mowk share ngn kak N n abg ejal eskrem yang mek 2 suka..hahaha after ya, mek owang g kat waterfront ciya.. kak N nak meli gelang itam cam aku pake 4 adik ny.. adik ny minat gelang cmya wak duhal.. hehehe after ya, mek owang balit sa nya.. aku anta kak N n abg ejal kat hotel yang cdak menginap..
next day, ary sabtu.. kak N msj aku tanya kol brapa india street ttp.. so aku assume yang kak N mowk g kat india street.. ya c ono ya, lambat ada jak.. kit nk kol 5 bowk agak kita.. manas wak sa nyawa.. yala, kawan dtg dari jauh bh.. hehehe p xwak manas ne lah.. hahaha ny paham perangey aku bh.. so no big deal kan oNo? hehehe after mek 2 g amik cdak kat grand magerita, mek owang pegi kat boulevard.. kak N mowk cari kasut converse.. sian ngn kak N, kasut yang ny mowk, xda size ny.. hehehe xpa kak N, lak tak ngirum ngn mek jak bila mek g KL.. hehehe
after ya, kak N n abg ejal mdh ny lapa.. ny mowk makan ayam penyet.. so mek owang mbak nya kat raja ayam penyet (sebelah lot 1 ya bha).. tyme ya bowk mek 2 gago nk bgamba.. yala, kenangan bh.. hehehe p besh lah lepak ngn kak N.. cam kakak dikpun jak.. hehehe sporting da jak.. :P ny madah ayam penyet nyaman, p pedas ilak ny pun sambal.. hehehe after ya, mek owang d kejutkan leh cgek berita.. sedara kak N nk diam d Kuching mowk agak nya d grand magerita a.k.a holiday inn.. so bebut lah mek owang mamam..
after ya, mek owang balit ke grand magerita, n then, kak N gak sedara nya yang dtg.. so tggl lah aku, ono n abg ejal kat lobby hotel ya.. sekali diat jam, dh nk 830 pm.. earth hour eyh.. grand magerita pun dh ready ttp suma lampu cdak.. besh jak diat grand magerita gelap gulita.. hahaha p yala, kerek kanan, byk building yang maseh nyala kan lampu cdak.. kampong d seberang pun sama wak.. (shitness, kampong aku pun terang wak) xda terus ku diat cdak ttp lampu.. :P biar pun lampu kat grand magerita ttp, n terang pake lilin ajak, semangat aku nk men pool seh wak mbara.. hahaha mek 3 men pool dalam kegelapan.. hehehe xla gelap ne.. gik dapat d diat suma bol2 ya.. hahaha
aku xingat la sapa menang.. tapi, laz game, aku menang rasa aku.. haha lawan ngn bang ejal.. kak N xpande men duhal.. bila d ajar, teringat aku dikpun dolowk, tyme mula2 bowk nk blaja men pool.. hehehe lawak juak la.. p part brgamba men pool, kak N lah bebakat semula jadi.. eksen da jak men pool.. hehehe sempat posing gik ya.. dowh2 kak N.. lawak da jak.. bukan aku mwok anowk kak N, p kak N besh, lawak, sporting, ranggat.. hahahaha mish u kak N.. after men pool, bang ejal mdh ny mowk tdo.. yala, esowk (ahad) flight cdak kol 10pg bh.. hehehe so mek 2 ono chaw dari grand magerita n nyambong pelawan pool mek 2 kat monster tounge.. hehehe p ku xigt sapa menang.. hahaha beysa lah kan, aku towk short term memory.. huhu mudah glak lupak.. after ya, mek 2 balit.. n aku balit tdo..
-the end-
minat aku aie...,
ngerepak koh....,
suka-suka aku...
Monday, March 30, 2009
survey again... dari hati towk..
1.Has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?
- hahaha yes!!
2.Is it awkward when you run into your family?
- nope..
3.What are you looking forward to?
- more money?? hehehe
4.Do you ever wanna know who you're?
- ermm..
5.Who are the third and eighteenth texts in your phone from?
- andrian (my band mate) n ono..
6.What are you listening to?
- ummi talking wif nor about printer cartridge..
7.What do you usually do first in the
- find my hp.. hahaha
8.Who is your favorite band?
- avril, hey monday, n much more...
9.Slept in a different bed?
- of coz... y?
10.Ditched school to do something more fun?
- erm...
11.Do you still talk to the last person
you kissed?
- secret.. hahaha
12.What is one emotion you are feeling right now?
- happy? hehehe i'm going to KL diz april..
13.Who did you hang out with last night?
- ono n Lit..
14.Opposite sex on your mind?
- secret... not gonna tell u...
15.What are you currently doing?
- answering this fucking survey.. hahaha
16.Have you told anybody you loved them today?
- nope.. "i love u" is very valueble sentence ryte now..
17.Do you miss anybody?
- i mish him.. hahaha
18.Any plans for tomorrow?
- go to work, play pool n erm....
19.What's the last thing you ate?
- nasi lemak.. hahaha
20.Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
- yes.. some people that i knew..
21.Are you a generally clean or messy
- both i guess...
22.Who was the last person that called you?
- ono...
23.Who was the last person YOU called?
- ono...
24.Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
- yes... everytyme..
25.What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
- break up? hahaha
26.Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
- yes.. him..
27.Are you gonna be home alone tonight?
- no lar.. family ada bh..
28.What are you doing tonight?
- i dont know.. hahaha
29.What is one thing you can't wait for?
- meet him..
30.How has this week been?
- great i guess.. hehehe
31.Do you have a best friend? Who are they?
- yes i do... should i tell? hahaha
32.When is the last time you took a nap?
- i dont remember...
33.Do you believe everyone deserves a
second chance?
- depends...
34.What's your most hated food?
- haty ayam.. hahaha
34.How old are your siblings?
- 22, 21, 18, 3...
35.What do you want most right now?
- money... lots of money...
36.Is your friendster profile private?
- hahaha YES...
37.What do you carry with you at all
- handphone, lipgloss and purse..
38.Goal you would like to achieve this
- married?? hahaha juz kidding lar..
39.What’s the biggest argument you've
ever gotten into recently?
- i dont remember... ask him...
40.How many piercings do you have?
- 5? 2 on my left ear, and 3 on my ryte ear..
41.What is the shortest relationship you have ever been in?
- hahaha
42.What person do you trust the most?
- NO ONE except myself...
43.Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?
- both i guess..
44.Have you ever written a love letter?
Who was the last person you wrote a
love letter for?
- erm.. secret lah..
45.Are you a morning person or a night
- nyte i guess.. hehehe
46.Do you remember your dreams?
- sumtymes... :P
47.Is someone mad at you right now?
- let me think 1st ok? hahaha
48.Are you perfect?
- no One perfect... but i'm good enough.. hehehe
49.Are you an Aunt/Uncle?
- hehehe yes..
50.Can you do a cartwheel?
- erm.. huh?
51.Do you ever hang out with someone of
the opposite sex?
- owez... love it!!
52.What country you want to visit?
- italy... hahaha
53.Where are you most ticklish?
- yesh...
54.When was the last time you were sick?
- 2 weeks ago i guess..
55.How many siblings do you have?
- 5 mun family kecik.. mun besa 9...
ngerepak koh....,
suka-suka aku...,
survey bodo...
KL, here i come..
i'm going to KL diz april..
there will be 6 of us will go to KL..
incorp's staff Only..
kak four, Kak ummi, nOr, makcik, acha n mE..
we will go to KL on Kak four's birthday and will go back home on my birthday...
cant wait...
i'm going to KL diz april..
there will be 6 of us will go to KL..
incorp's staff Only..
kak four, Kak ummi, nOr, makcik, acha n mE..
we will go to KL on Kak four's birthday and will go back home on my birthday...
cant wait...
minat aku aie...,
ngerepak koh....,
suka-suka aku...
ada agik.. hahaha
aku bowink...
so ku jawab benda towk..
Do you put shampoo in your left or right hand?
aku bowink...
so ku jawab benda towk..
Do you put shampoo in your left or right hand?
- left..
When you take a drink of something, do you hold your pinky up?
- no lah...
What's the most dominant color in your room?
- pink and white.. hahaha pecah rahsia bilik ku pink..
How many times do you knock on a door?
- 3 i guess.. hehehe
Does anyone completely understand you?
- no one except him, ONO...
What form of homework do you have to do today?
- on9.. hehehe
Do you write how you speak?
- ermm...
Do you understand football?
- a little...
Ever stayed up all night on the phone?
- lupak dh.. xigt ada ka x.. hahaha
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
- of coz i would.. bowink diam atas bukit ey..
Do you ever think "what if" about? anything?
- al the tyme.. hehehe
Are you happy with the way things are going?
- not really but it seems so complicated...
In the past week have you cried?
- no... why should i cry?
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
- him.. juz him...
Who was the last person you talked to?
- Ono.. on the phone.. juz now.. hehehe
Do you say sorry first?
- depends...
Has someone promised you something and broke it?
- yes!! n owez...
Does anyone like you?
- hahaha does anyone out there like me?????
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night?
- sometymes lah...
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
- yup.. someone..
Is there someone you will never forget?
- yup!! ada... xbleh padah la...
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up?
- ada... lebih dr 5 lah.. hahaha
Looking forward to the next couple months?
- gaji ku nait belipat ganda.. hahaha so i can spend my money on everything that i want..
What are you saving your money up for right now?
- nothing?? hahaha
If you had enough money what would you buy?
- laptop, car, shoes, what else a???
Are you shy?
- sometymes.. hehehe
Are you a talkative person?
- sometymes.. :P
Do you prefer to call or text?
- both...
Can you live a day without TV?
- sure... TV is nothing lah...
Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
- i hope so..
What TV show do you watch most?
- i dont watch TV anymore.. hahaha love to watch everthing that ONO download 4 me..
Do you think the guy should always pay?
- no lah.. sometyme gurl should pay 2.. like me.. hehehe ryte ono?
Have you ever wanted to be on a game show?
- sure.. hahaha
Have you ever been in a car wreck?
- huh?
What do you plan on naming your baby girl?
- hahaha lom tepikey gik..
Your baby boy?
- hahaha lom kawen gik, ne nak mikey?
What's your musical guilty pleasure?
- ermmm.....
What was the last book you read?
- cash book.. hahaha
How long does your morning routine take?
- xtaowk.. x kira bh..
What is the dumbest thing you've ever done?
- hahaha secret...
Do you return the buggies at Wal-Mart?
- erm...
What is your favorite fast food place?
- Kfc n mCd..
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
- recording... hehehe polah demo for LIPGLOSS SHAVER..
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
- nasi lemak n roti canai.. hahaha
Do you like to cook?
- xwak... depends dengan mood..
What do you want to do with your life?
- xtaowk.. live happily ever after maybe?
Do you get along with your siblings?
- yup..
Are you good at Sudoku puzzles?
- not really.. but sometymes i can solved sudoku puzzles.. hahaha
Are you a creative person?
- i am creative person.. ryte ono?
Do you like to sing?
- no.. i LOVE to sing.. hehehe
What color are your pants?
- dark blue..
Is your house clean?
- come to my house n you will know..
What did you do today?
- cut ono's hair, play pool, hang out wif ono n lit, play card wif ono, on9.. hahaha
What do you hear right now?
- ting tong from meebo.. hahaha
bowink aku.. so aku post la balit benda towk yang aku jumpa.. hahaha
yajak koh...
bowink aku.. so aku post la balit benda towk yang aku jumpa.. hahaha
yajak koh...
suka-suka aku...,
survey bodo...
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